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We believe that innovation is made by people and people are the essence of our projects, products and services.


In July CESAR Summer Job’s 14th edition would take place, an international edition. In view of the COVID-19 Pandemic, considering that the program would welcome people from different regions of the country and the world, requiring travel via airports and generating agglomerations, we inform that the 2020.2 edition of the program is cancelled. Our primary concern is everyone’s health: students, facilitators, suppliers, mentors, employees and sponsors.


CESAR's Management is closely following the determinations made by the competent authorities - be they federal, state or municipal, throughout the country and the world - regarding the new coronavirus and, since March 18th, determined that 100% of our operation be carried out under the home office regimen. 


A new CESAR Summer Job edition is scheduled to take place in January 2021. Everyone already enrolled, up to today, for the 2020.2 edition is already automatically enrolled for the new edition.


To all who make CESAR Summer Job happen, our heartfelt thanks for trusting us, our partnership has never been stronger and we will meet soon.


We are still available by email at and will continue to interact through our social networks (@cesarsummerjob)


Health comes first #stayhome


CESAR’s Management

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